الخميس، 8 يوليو 2010

le Martyr

A Martyr is somebody who suffers presentation and death for the people a country or an organisation or refusing to ren once a belief usually religiouus , political or rights.

in its original meaning.the world martyr.meaning witness was used in the secularspher as well as in the testement of the bible,the process of bearning witness was not intended tolead to the death of the witness..
It is known from ancient writers (e.g josephus) and from the new testament that witnesses often died for their testimonies
martyrdom in judasum is one of the main exemple of kiddush hashem meaning sanctification of god's name.
main articl:shahed
In arbic a maryr is termed"shahed" literally,witness" asin the greek root of theenglish word)
the word sahed appears in the quran in a variety of contexts,( quran2143) witnessing a financial transaction(quran2282) and being killed even in an accident as long as it dosen't happen with the intention to commit as sin, when they are believedto remain alive makingthem witnesses over worldy events without taking part in them anymore(qura3140)
the word also appears wuth these various meaning in the hadith the saying of Mohamed

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