الأربعاء، 14 يوليو 2010

Saddam's poem.....

إظهار التحويل إلى الحروف اللاتينية

Saddam's poem ......

Saddam Sameh from your offspring have
It was attached to it on your own days
Habibullah crucified thee illusions
Anala Ark to fear, Sir,
But he wanted to fear thee, death
Governance Vicgosaidp phytotoxic
And death throne, ropes, and Sam
Were hanged, while pan-Arabism in the steadfastness
I was born with all Hrovk dreams
You, emir of Mesopotamia Tasfa
Iasi pain and degeneration of the media
Indicate the land after the Izz compelling
And it becomes all the people, orphans you, the leader of Alravedinmn sip
Kevin and Dvie hearts dream
It tears disciples Tables
Troy Admak breeze and food
Was safe, not sour cream
War does not indicate gaze Peace
Talim and let the tyrants to their Lord
And governors and governors for their support of
Sttal Fimahj Hearts Peace
Sttal Rottk Gorgeous kiss
Visitors blessing ihram
Tanttr do not like the departure of the nation
Disappears or Bswalk Islam
But the largesse of silks Bazp
Generation and find all of Saddam
Saddam's Arrow and your parents to rest
For Pan-Arabism and Alrac Peace
By Abdul Khalid Aludo

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